Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hard Work! For What!?

      Can you imagine working every single day for foods and goods instead of money? Well, this was the life of ancient Egyptians. The only vacations they got were for the most part were for the special holy days of the year. These days called for every Egyptian to lay down their tools and gather at a local temple. Now, what they did at the temple seems very strange to us in some ways but very normal to them. First, they would watch a procession of idols. Next, they would feast on food supplied by the temple. Just like us American fatties. :) The most popular of these days was a celebration called Opet. This was when the idols of Mut and Khonsu traveled from Karnak Temple to Luxor Temple to celebrate marriage. To me, that kind of sounds like an anniversary.
      When it comes to actually working (blah), Egyptian jobs seemed to rely on the social pyramid. Ha ha these Egyptians love pyramids! Well anyways, at the top of the social pyramid you had the pharaohs and kings. In the center u had your doctors,scribes,soldiers, and artisans. Sitting at the bottom was simply peasants and slaves. The bottom of the pyramid was the highest population. These people built temples and pyramids, took care of homes, worked the fields, and tended herds and flocks. Not my idea of a fun day. However if you were a farmer you would most likely have a very low standard of living. This happens because most of farmers earnings go to taxes. From this information I have learned that i would not fit in if i lived in ancient Egypt.

1 comment:

  1. WOW. great info! Nice voice!Just like the American fatties!!
